Student orientation
The Department of Agricultural Sciences of the University of Sassari is active on social networks with its own Facebook and Instagram pages and its own YouTube channel.
The Orientation Committee of our Department is always available to interact with and help students who come from high schools and enter the university for the first time (Entry orientation), and students who have already obtained a degree and should decide on how to continue their educational and/or professional pathways (After-degree orientation).
For any information about student orientation, you can contact the Coordinator of the Orientation Committee, Prof. Giovanna Seddaiu (, or Prof. Francesco Giunta (, who will be glad to help you.
For information about the degree courses of our Department, you can check STUDY.
The Department’s contact person for students with disabilities and with certified or suspected learning disorders is Filippo Gambella (; +39 079229281).
You can find a lot of information about studying at our University on the Website UNISS, including STUDY ITALIAN. Our University offers free courses of Italian Language and Culture to incoming foreign students organised by the University Language Center (CLA).
If you plan to do a PhD at our University, after your Master’s, the Ph.D. School UNISS offers a lot of opportunities.
Please, find below links to various videos, presentations and documents that answer the most frequently asked questions by students regarding entry orientation and after-degree orientation. This material is going to be translated into English as soon as possible.
Cosa si studia in agraria? Quali sono le differenze tra i diversi Corsi di Laurea di Agraria? (What is studied in Agricultural Sciences? What are the differences between the various Degree Courses in Agricultural Sciences?) (YouTube)
Quali sono i punti di forza del Dipartimento di Agraria di Sassari? (What are the strengths of the Department of Agricultural Sciences of the University of Sassari?) (You Tube)
Quale lavoro potrò fare con una laurea in Agraria? (Which job can I get with a degree from the Department of Agricultural Sciences UNISS?) (YouTube)
Cosa sono i CFU, le materie a scelta dello studente, le altre attività e il tirocinio? (What are university credits (CFUs), student choice subjects, other activities and internships)? (YouTube)
Il calendario dello studente di Agraria (The calendar of the student of Agricultural Sciences) (YouTube)
Quale supporto ai DSA? (Which support is available for students with learning disorders?) sito di Agraria – pagina dedicata di Ateneo
After-degree orientation
Dopo la Laurea: Lauree magistrali, Dottorato, lavoro. Incontro Orientamento in uscita del 15 settembre 2020 (Master’s degree, Doctorate degree, Job. Orientation Meeting on 15 September 2020 (YouTube)
I corsi di laurea magistrale del Dip. di Agraria A.A. 2020/21 (The Master’s degree courses of the Department of Agricultural Sciences A.Y. 2020/2021) (YouTube)
Il Corso di Dottorato in Scienze agrarie (The Ph.D. Programme in Agricultural Sciences UNISS) (Prof. I. Floris) – (Youtube)
Supporto all'ingresso nel mondo del lavoro. I servizi offerti dall'Ufficio di Job Placement dell'Ateneo di Sassari (Support for entry into the world of work. Services offered by the Job Placement Office of the University of Sassari) (YouTube)