Seminar "Weak calf syndrome and passive and active immunization of young calves”
Mercoledi 13 settembre, si terrà un seminario aperto a tutti/e del Prof. Tadeusz Stefaniak (Department of Immunology, Pathophysiology and Veterinary Preventive Medicine) della Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences dal titolo “Weak calf syndrome and passive and active immunization of young calves”.
Il seminario, organizzato nell’ambito dei Programmi Erasmus+ e Visiting Professor/scientist, si svolgerà dalle ore 10:30 nell’aula Aldo Cappio-Borlino, al Dipartimento di Agraria (Viale Italia 39/A, Sassari).
L'attività è rivolta ai dottorandi del Corso di Dottorato in Scienze Agrarie e aperta ai dottorandi iscritti ad altri Corsi e a tutte le persone che fossero interessati.
La partecipazione al seminario comporterà il riconoscimento di 0,3 CFR.
Per ulteriori informazioni siete pregati di rivolgervi alla Prof.ssa Anna Nudda (
Wednesday 13 September, a seminar will be held by Prof. Prof. Tadeusz Stefaniak (Department of Immunology, Pathophysiology and Veterinary Preventive Medicine) of Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences with the title “Weak calf syndrome and passive and active immunization of young calves”..
The seminar, organised within the framework of the Erasmus+ and Visiting Professor/scientist Programmes, will take place from 10:30 onwards in the Aldo Cappio-Borlino Lecture Hall at the Department of Agricultural Sciences (Viale Italia 39/A, Sassari).
The activity is addressed to PhD students of the PhD Course in Agricultural Sciences and open to PhD students enrolled in other Courses and any other people interested.
Participation in the seminar will result in the award of 0.3 CFR.
For further information, please contact Prof. Anna Nudda (