Webinar - Assessment of satellite imaging spectrometry for the estimation of topsoil properties of agronomic interest at the field scale
Il curriculum in Produttività delle Piante coltivate, Corso di dottorato in Scienze agrarie, organizza per venerdì 18 giugno 2021 con inizio alle ore 12:00 sulla piattaforma Microsoft Teams, un seminario dal titolo:
Assessment of satellite imaging spectrometry for the estimation of topsoil properties of agronomic interest at the field scaleù
Il seminario sarà in lingua italiana
Introductory note
Precision agriculture aims at a sustainable intensification of the production process, to reduce wastages and inefficiencies in the use of resources and input factors (water, plant protection products, fertilizers, fuels...), without any preclusion in the use of the best technology available. Among the key information needed for the implementation of precision agriculture is the knowledge of soil properties. However, the large-scale collection and analysis of samples is not feasible, for labor and cost reasons. Satellite imaging spectroscopy of bare soil fields has been shown to provide useful information related to soil texture and soil organic carbon. Moreover, the availability of such data is increasing, thanks also to the recent launch of the Italian PRISMA satellite. The presentation will report a preliminary assessment of PRISMA data for such aims.
Relatore: prof. Raffaele Casa
Raffaele Casa is Full Professor of Agronomy at the University of Tuscia (Viterbo, Italy). He received his PhD at the University of Dundee (Scotland, UK) for research on the application of multiangular hyperspectral remote sensing to agricultural crops stress monitoring. He carried out several research periods at international institutions (University of Wageningen, Netherlands; University of Edinburgh, Dundee and Aberdeen, Scotland; INRA Avignon France; Evora, Portugal; Beijing, China) in the framework of research projects, or as a visiting professor. He has been awarded twice Marie Curie fellowships from the European Commission. He has been a member of the Mission Advisory Board of the Sentinel 2 Mission of the European Space Agency (ESA) and of the Earth Observation Scientific Advisory Committee of the Italian Space Agency (ASI). He has been a member of the Group of Experts on Precision Agriculture at the Italian Ministry of Agriculture (2015-2016) and co-authored the policy document on the National Guidelines for Precision Agriculture in Italy. For more than 20 years his research has focused on the application of remote sensing and precision agriculture to the improvement of the agronomic management of crops.
Il webinar si terrà online, sulla piattaforma Teams: Dottorato Curriculum Produttività delle Piante coltivate (codice bbbn9ch)
Ai dottorandi che parteciperanno saranno riconosciuti 0,5 CFR.
Attività obbligatoria per I dottorandi del corso in Scienze Agrarie - curriculum in Produttività delle Piante Coltivate - A scelta per I dottorandi degli altri Corsi
Per tutte le informazioni su questa attività siete pregati di contattare il prof. Francesco Giunta (giunta@uniss.it)