HORIZON 2020 - SOLACQUA (2020-2023)

Programma di ricerca HORIZON 2020: Accessible, reliable and affordable solar irrigation for Europe and beyond (SolAqua). 1/10/2020-30/09/2023
Area geografica di intervento: Italia, Spagna, Portogallo, Marocco.
Modern farming depends heavily on irrigation as a fundamental input. In order to pump the required water for the crops, a huge amount of energy is required. This energy is currently obtained from diesel generators or from the electricity grid at a huge economic and environmental cost. The use of photovoltaic systems (PVI) to power irrigation pumps is the most suitable solution. Recent technological developments and improvements in the affordability of such systems mean that a large proportion of the energy requirements of European irrigation could be provided by PVI. By switching from conventional sources of energy to PVI, farmers can benefit of large reductions in their energy bills (up to 75%) and in their water consumption (more than 30%). Nevertheless, a number of problems are arising and negatively affecting the introduction of PVI and the results obtained. There is a large deficit in technical knowledge over the technology not only among the farmers, but also among the suppliers of irrigation and/or energy systems that are operating in the farming sector. Also, there is lack of tailored business models for PVI as well as dedicated financial and policy instruments, especially within the Common Agrarian Policy (CAP). In order to facilitate the introduction of PVI, to protect the interest of the farmers and to stimulate the development of a multibillion opportunity for SMEs and for their capacity to export, the aforementioned problems must be addressed. It is required the identification and diffusion of best practices, environmental impact methodologies, business models and public and private financing instruments suited to PVI in Europe and beyond. Aware of the aforementioned barriers and opportunities, the leading organization worldwide in PVI development, the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) alongside the main organizations representing the interest of irrigators of Europe and other organizations with expertise in the relevant fields are preparing the project SOLAQUA to address the challenge. The specific objectives of SOLAQUA are: - Disseminate PVI to farmers, SMEs, and other stakeholders ensuring quality standards and consumer and investors protection mechanisms in the installation of PVI. - Increase the availability of business models and financial resources for PVI. - Facilitate the development and execution of policy support instruments for PVI, especially the financial instrument of EAFDR. - Produce a joint promotion of PVI based in common standards and financial and supporting mechanism of at least 100 MW. - Facilitate export markets for the emerging PVI sector outside the EU, especially in Northern Africa.
Coordinatore del progetto: Luis Narvarte, Università Politecnica di Madrid https://www.ies.upm.es/Investigacion/IES_GI/SPV
Responsabile scientifico per il Dipartimento di Agraria: Paola Deligios, e-mail: pdeli@uniss.it
Componenti dell’unità di ricerca: Paola Deligios.
Dipartimento di Agraria: Partner
Enti Partner: Università Politecnica di Madrid (UPM), Euromediterranean Irrigators Community (EIC), Intermediterranean Commission (CPMR), Consiglio Nazionale dei Dottori Agronomi e dei Dottori Forestali (CONAF), Università di Evora (UEvora), Hassan II Institute of Agronomy and Veterinary Science (IAV), Gobierno de Aragon (GA), Generalitat Valenciana (GV), Abarca Seguros, Consiliul Judetean Calarasi (CJC)